I was dissapointed with the 2006 denim issue, didn't get to Border's fast enough for 2004 and my 2005 one is nearly threadbare. I got my 2007 denim issue in the mail today and it has put my faith back in the publication. My favorite articles are The Greatest Love of All where some of the Nylon Staffers model they're favorite blues, Factory Girl: Magic Number where Dani visits 7 for All Man Kind and distresses her own pair of jeans and Cory's Corner Say Hi To Your Mom where Cory K. will show you how to rock mom jeans. Get to a bookstore or newstand ASAP and pick up this issue, you won't regret it.
I love Nylon and the Nicole Richie quote on the cover made me laugh
There is something I hate about this picture. The up the nose-ness of it?
Mmmm... she's just fashion ??
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