Sunday, February 14, 2010

Smile on Your Brother....

It's Valentines Day!  Just in time for the holiday, Digby and Iona released the Stump Ring.  The design is inspried by Shell Silverstein's The Giving Tree.  I read the book countless times with my mom and my brother growing up.  It's a sweet story about selflessness (an important element of all relationships.)

Even though I mentioned my feelings on the holiday last year I'd like to do it again. Since I was a child, my mother has never let anyone feel left out. I was raised treating this day as a universal celebration of love. If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife spend the day with someone else who you care about. Enjoy the company of friends and family.  Most of all, value the relationships that bring light to your life (and eat red velvet cake!)

xo Pretty In Black

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